About me

The subjects that I have chosen to deepen and in which I have certified are:

I love animals and in particular cats and dogs. I use Bach flowers and study mixtures ad personam for their well-being. I create useful and futile objects with recycled materials and I hold courses to teach how to make them, accompanying people to discover their creative talent.

My name is Vittoria Tosoni.
I graduated in 1986 as a Tour Operator wanting a job that would make me travel a lot. A year later I participated in the selections to become a flight attendant at the Alisarda airline based in Sardinia. I overcome them all and move to Olbia for a few seasons. After being hired on a permanent basis, I had the opportunity to live in two other beautiful cities: in Florence, for eight years, and then Verona for 18 years in Verona. I approached for a short time the Buddhist Practice of the Soka Gakkai and this experience directed my curiosity towards some subjects concerning physical, psychic and spiritual well-being.
This is how I began to participate in courses and seminars of various kinds in Italy and around the world, such as:

“… Mental Dynamics, Biodanza, Rio Abierto, Movement Medicine, Bach Flowers, Emotional Freedom Technique, Rebirthing, Hoffman Method, Non-Violent Communication, Playfulness, Family Constellations, Soul Voice, Joydance, Theater and Theatrical Improvisation, Paths of Positive Thinking according to Louise Hay, Ecology Education Courses with recycling and reuse of recycled materials designed to stimulate creativity and, nurturing a genuine attraction to dogs,  I have studied the gentle method of educating them in an assertive manner…”



“… I am a very curious woman, constantly looking for practices aimed at developing my potential, in order to become the best version of myself…”

As a child my dream was to become a stewardess, I was fascinated by the idea of flying and traveling the world at no cost. The dream came true and I was able to cultivate, thanks to my work, many of my interests, particularly those concerning psychology and personal growth. But when one day I discovered that I was “avio phobic” I had to think of an alternative because my work had to make me vibrate positively rather than tremble with fear: that was the moment when I thought of putting to good use everything that I had matured until that day after my diploma in Counseling, developing something that really nourished me and changed me for the better, thanks to the various disciplines with which I have come into contact and have deepened my knowledge in Italy and abroad.


Here, then, is the birth of